Which Breast Implant Product Should I Choose?

Personal factors may include implant appearance and feel. You may also want to understand the safety of an implant. Your surgeon is best placed to talk through your options and tailor an approach best suited for you. Let’s look at some options in the MENTOR® range.

Compare the Benefits of Silicone & Saline

MENTOR® MemoryGel® Breast Impants MENTOR® CONTOUR PROFILETM Breast Implants MENTOR® Saline Breast Implants
IMPLANT FILL Proprietary silicone gel formula for a natural touch (feel) that resembles breast tissue.*2,3

Proprietary highly cohesive gel that helps to retain shape.

Filled with a saltwater solution similar to the fluid found in the human body


Dynamic fill volumes for each implant profile, including optimal and highly filled options

Implant volume designed for predictable results

Has a flexible volume that can be adjusted during surgery and post-operatively


Moderate Plus, Moderate Plus Xtra, High, High Xtra and Ultra High

Tall Height, Moderate Projection; Medium Height, Moderate Projection; Low Height, Moderate Projection; Tall Height, Moderate Plus Projection; Medium Height, Moderate Plus Projection; Low Height, Moderate Plus Projection; Tall Height, High Projection; Medium Height, High Projection; Low Height, High Projection

Moderate, Moderate Plus and High Profile


Smooth or MENTOR® SILTEX® Surface shells

Imprinted with MENTOR® SILTEX® texture designed to help minimise rotation

Smooth or MENTOR® SILTEX® Surface shells


Covered by the MENTOR® Promise Protection Plan**

Covered by the MENTOR® Promise Protection Plan**

Covered by the MENTOR® Promise Protection Plan**

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